
easy-peasy (lemon squeezey) - chupado!

to pick - to chose

dropping by - dejarse caer (pasarse)

to be screwed - estar jodido (problemas)
to screw st up = to mess up - estropear, echar a perder
to screw sb - tirarse a alguien

quick fire - very quick
to by me type - ser mi tipo

to pick on sb / to take it out on sb - coger manía a alguien

to have a crush on sb - gustar alguien
to fall in love with sb / to fall for sb - enamorarse de alguien
to fall madly in love with sb - ..locamente, perdidamente
to be head over heels in love with sb - ..completamente / hasta las trancas / de la cabeza a los pies
to be his other half / his soulmate - su media naranja
to by my cup of tea - media naranja / hecho para ti (general: my partner, maths)

scorching hot - calor abrasador

there are many people in class - no es correcto many en afirmativas, pero se dice mucho


pancake ~ crêpe

french fries - patatas fritas (us)
chips - patatas fritas (uk)
crips - papas

wholemeal, wholegrain - integral
stew - estofado

to eat out - comer fuera

to heat up - calentar

convenience food
ready-prepared food
ready-made food

nuts - frutos secos
peanut - cacahuete
walnut - nuéz
hazelnut - avellana

fruits and berries
avocado - aguacate
grapefruit - pomelo
grapes - uvas
plum - pruna
rhubarb - ruibarbo
watermelon - sandía

blackberry - mora
strawberry - fresa
raspberry (red)

asparagus - espárrago
beans - judías
beetroot - remolacha
Brussels sprout - col de Bruselas (nombre propio)
cabbage - col
cauliflower - coliflor
celery - apio
corn on the cob - mazorca de maíz con la panocha
cucumber - pepino (cogombre)
leek - puerro
parsley - perejil
peas - guisantes
radish - rábano

fish has bones, not spines
fish and chips (cod - bacalao)

some fruits has a stone in the center

dish = plate
dish = course = plate + food

rations - raciones

jam - mermelada
marmelade - orange jam

british breakfast (actualmente sólo típico en los hoteles)
continental breakfast (nuestro desayuno)

a small quantity of food
little amounts of food

fried bread

bread / roll - anything rolled
food / meal
frozen / iced
cook / cooker
fork / knife / spoon

kettle (heat up) teapot (serve) teacup (drink)

recipe - receta
receipt - ticket

tasty - sabroso
tasteful - personalidad: que tiene buen gusto

tin - tuna
can - coke

bake - make bread or cakes
boil - hervir
chop - cortar
grate - gratinar
peel - pelar
roast - tostar
squeeze - exprimir
sprinkle - dejar caer, esparcir, derramar

saucer - plate under the cup

salt, oil, vinegar

cookies / biscuits

bar - tableta
carton - tetrabrick
jar - tarro
jug - jarra
loaf - barra
pinch - pellizco
slice - rebanada
grape - racimo
lamb - cordero

bill - la cuenta (factura)
tip - propina, consejo

I eat toast - tostada
Let have a toast - brindis

healty food < > unhealthy food / junk food

fiber / fibre

lean meat - carne magra (sin grasa)

hash browns: patatas fritas / croquetas de patata
hash - plato de carne (roast beef ) picada / picadillo
browns - croquetas

to chew - masticar
to swallow - tragar

across vs through

through the tunnel

across the street
across the bridge

on, in, at

I spent a long time on the Internet
I chat with my friends on my computer
I speak/talk on my mobile/cell phone

in ... 1999, April, summer - months
on ... Monday, 5th Sep - week days, dates
at ... weekend

today is 20 September
today is 20th September
today is September 20th

we'll meet on 20 September
we'll meet on 20th September
we'll meet on September 20th

sitting on the sofa/couch
sitting in the armchair

on the coast
on the beach

I am studying a degree in English Philology

to arrive at school, home, cinema, disco - buildings..
to arrive in London - "big place" - cities, towns..
to arrive to

to work in a company
to work for a company

 to be good at

I work on the computer

in time - a tiempo
on time - punctually

spent (money) on
invest (money) in

on the bus
by bus

in charge of - a cargo de

like a = similar to a

to go on holiday
to go on an outing
to go on a trip / a day trip / an excursion

to get on the train
to get into / out off the car / van / taxi
to get on / off the rest

hear st
listen to st

to contact sb

say vs tell

say something to you
say to you something
tell you something

tell sb
say to sb
explain to sb

"Tangled up in me" by Skye Sweetnam

You wanna know more, more, more about me
I'm the girl who's kicking the coke machine
I'm the one that's honking at you cause I left late again
Hey! Hey! Hey!

Coul you see I want you by the way I push you away, Ya!
Don't judge me tomorrow by the way I'm acting today
Mix the words up with the actions
Do it all for your reaction, Ya!
Hey! Hey!
Get tangled up in me

You wanna know more, more, more about me
Gotta know reverse psychology
I'm the reason why can't get to sleep
I'm the girl you never get just quite what you see
Hey! Hey! Hey!

Coul you see I want you by the way I push you away, Ya!
Don't judge me tomorrow by the way I'm acting today
Mix the words up with the actions
Do it all for your reaction, Ya!
Hey! Hey!
Get tangled up in me

You think that you know me
You think that I'm only
When everything I do is only to get tangled up in you
You wanna more, more, more about me
I'm the girl that's sweeping you off your feet
Hey! Hey! Hey!

Could you see I want you by the way I push you away, Ya!
Don't judge me tomorrow by the way I'm acting today
Mix the words up with the actions do it all for your reacion, Ya!

Get tangled up in me


to get tangled up in sb - liarse/enrollarse con alguien
to honk - hacer sonar el claxon
to push sb away - apartar/alejar a alguien de tí
to mix up - mezclar/confundir
to be only - ser único/a
to sweep you off your feet - hacerte perder la cabeza (por amor)
I'm the girl you never get just quite what you see - soy la chica que no es lo que parece ¿?