
to spend time on the Internet - pasar tiempo en Internet
to surft the Internet - navegar

cut out on - remove completly
cut down on something - reduce the amount of something

to honk - use a car horn

to sweep the floor - barrer

tangled up in me - enganchado a mi

I like you. - Me gustas tu.
you like me. - Te gusto yo.
who do you like? - quién te gusta?
who likes you? - a quién le gustas?

I like cooking
I like to cook

enjoy + ING
love / like / hate + ING
love / like / hate + to INF

I lie to you
you lie to me

I forgot to notice you. - subject: I
did I forget to notice you? - subject: I
who forgot to notice you? - subject: who

looking forward - desear
looking for - buscar
looking after - cuidar
are you looking forward to your holiday?
are you looking forward to ING?

to get on well with sb
I get on really well with my parents - good relation

earn money
win a prize

to spoil - estropear, echar a perder

to cheer sb up - animar

search for
look for

I don't worry about.. - No me preocupa..

write, writing, written

ski - skiing
lie - lying

it depends on
I talk on

they are having dinner - estar comiendo

According to Oxford Grammar, both are correct:
I feel hungry
I'm feeling hungry

to be fed up - estar harto

to have got: antes se usaba siempre para 'posesión', pero actualmente basta con to have

doubling consonants
CVC: rob, get, sit, cut, put
others: swim, stop, shop, plan, begin

vegetables grow
people grow up

Freeze! - US: Quieto!

to give in / out
hand in / out
in: el sujeto lo recibe
out: el sujeto lo dá

I don't think I need ...
I think I don't need ...

to beat - vencer, dar una paliza

injured - lesionado (sports), herido (accident)

can't stand - no poder soportar

to retire - jubilarse
retirement - jubilación

whistle - silbar, silbato

comeback - retorno

to faint - desmayarse

pariticapte in races
take part in races

to soar - remontarse, elevarse

to tap - golpear suavemente
to spank - azotar
a spanking  - azote

to focus - centrarse

to drop st - dejar

to fall asleep - quedarse dormido / conciliar el sueño

to knit - hacer punto / hacer ganchillo

to get sacked - to fire

to mistaken - confundir
(I've mistaken you with another person)

to dissipate - disipar

to value - valorar, apreciar, estimar
to rub - frotar

to perform - actuar

to hate - odiar
to despise - despreciar

to overcook - cocinar demasiado, muy hecho, quemado
to overuse - usar demasiado

to treasure - valorar

to trust = to relay on
(Don't trust Peter)
(Don't rely on Peter)

to spill / spilt / spilt - derramar

to be held - to take place

to write down - anotar

to tick / ticked - marcar

to giggle (giggling) - risa tonta

take in turns - por turnos

to chat / chatted (chat to sb)
to chat up - flirt (chat up sb)

try out - probar

to be pleased . estar encantado

raise / raised - elevar, alzar (with object: He raised his hand)
rise / rose / risen - subir (w/o object: Prices rise)

fellow - compañero, miembro, tio, socio ... muy general

envy /envi/ ~ to be jealous

to match - to pair up

to carry out - llevar a cabo

I was tired by then - para entonces

to swerve / skid - derrapar

to report a crime - denunciar
to sued sb (for libel) - denunciar (por difamación)

to tell sb off - regañar
to reprimanded sb - regañar
to scolded sb - regañar

to gossip - cotillear (they gossip a lot)
the are nosey / nosy / people - cotillas (que meten las narices)

addicted to = hooked on

to charge - cobrar (dinero)

I used to PLAY (past)
I'm used to PLAYING (present)

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