As the Inspector Said and Other Stories

ISBN 978-0-19-479108-3
As the Inspector Said ... by Cyril Hare


Sonia French
Robert French, Sonia's husband, victim
Charles Darrell, Sonia's lover, French's neighbour

The Man Who Cut Off My Hair by Richard Marsh


Judith Lee, deaf and dumb, lip-reading teacher
Mr Colgate, Myrtle Cottage owner
Mrs Dickson, Judith's servant
Burglar 1 first man
Burglar 2, man with blue eyes

Coterill, CloakRoom, Vicotria Station, Brighton Railway
Bantock, 13 Harwood Street, near Oxford Street

The Railway Crossing by Freeman Wills Crofts


Dunstan Thwaite
Hilda Lorraine, Dunstan's wife
John Dunn, Dunstan's coleague, victim
Jane, Dunn's servant

The Blue Cross by G. K. Chesterton


Valentin, chief of Parise Police
Flambeau, famous thief
Father Brown, priest from Essex village

Cash on Delivery by Edmun Crispin


Max Linster, the person they sent
Jacob Elliston
Mrs Elliston, victim
Josephine Demessieux, Elliston's servant, real victim


it can't be long: no puede tardar
it's sensible to be careful: es prudente ir con cuidado
his stomach sick with fear: a causa del miedo tenía un nudo en el estomado
to step over: pasar por encima de algo (evitando pisarlo)
dressing-gown: bata, batín

cottage: casita de campo
myrtle tree: mirto
salt-cellar: salero
parcel: paquete

to blackmail: chantajear
freight train: tren de carga

knock over: derribar
shillings: chelín (antigua moneda inglesa, 20 shillings = 1 pound)
to send off: enviar
to hurry in/out: entrar/salir corriendo
burglary: robo (en una casa)
cupboard: armario
to give time: dar tiempo